Thursday, April 9, 2009

Porno anyone?

Since I have come to Japan my life has blurred the lines of reality and really fucked up situation / people don`t believe me when I tell them things that have happened to me. When I started working at an all women's college my life became a border line low rent porno plot. But now I has broken through that glass celling to full blown, award winning porno plot. Tomorrow.......I start......teaching.....a class of.....71......20 year old....Japanese.......nursing students. That is right people..... I have entered the world of full blown porno. But this is not only a mile stone of my life becoming totally fucked up but I can also add this to the list of stuff that I have been paid to do in Japan that I am vastly under qualified for. I have been a college teacher, a kindergarten teacher and soon to be a teacher of nurses. In America to work with children you have to be checked out by the police, have special training, a degree (I am assuming) in childhood education. But in Japan it is just like “you speak English? Great! go into this room with 5 nine year old children and we will leave you alone with them and trust you unconditionally not to do anything wrong.” It is really fucked up and quite frightening. But as to how I got this job teaching nurses I do not know. How I continue to con people into thinking that I am qualified to do this or any of the above mentioned activities I am still unsure, but I have. Maybe I am just an extremely accomplished liar because I am not as smart as people think that I am. So teaching this class of 71 people will be quite interesting. I can`t believe that in high school I was too nervous to give speeches in front of my class and now I am walking in front of 71 Japanese girls and spewing shit off the top of my head and being paid to do it. I feel bad for the students of this class because they are not going to learn anything.
My life here in Kochi thus far has been interesting but I am not totally sure if moving out here was a good move or bad move. At first everything was great but now that it is slowly becoming my day to day reality the magnificence has slightly worn off and I have begun to view my new home as what it is: a small, sea side town, where everyone knows everyone. I feel like this would be a perfect place for a person with a personality opposite to mine. Someone who is outgoing and over the top friendly. I am neither of these things as much as I would like to think I am / hope I could be. I do not regret moving here yet and I am really thankful for having a full time, easy job in this withering economy but my life here would be so much nicer if i could just meet one person who has a personality similar to mine. I have been hanging out mostly with Australian surfers. They are, don`t get me wrong, hands down some of the nicest people I have ever met in my life and will keep inviting me out for drinking, to parties or to their houses to play cards for as long as I live here but as nice as they are I still miss what i refer to as “my real friends” back in Chicago. In Japan most of my friends, with a few exceptions, have really just been friends of connivence. By that I mean we are thrust in the same situation as each other and have formed a bond based only on that one shared experience. This leads to lots of complaining to each other about Japan and thats really about it. I miss the kind of friend who has known me for going on 10 years and knows so much about me that they would see something in a shop or on tv and think that I would like it. I miss the kind of friend who knows so much about me that small talk is not even an option. But my life here in Japan is easy and I get to study and speak Japanese so for the time being I am not going to give up on it. And since I have only been in my new town for two weeks and there are so many people I havn`t met yet that this place could became as much as my home as Kyoto became.

1 comment:

  1. You're about to have 71 new friends! You should all share lots of experiences together.
