Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Robert Downey Jr.

Today was my first real full day working at my new job. It wasnt so bad. It was actually quite easy but the way the schedule is set up is kinda shitty. I had a class at 1045 (which was amazing and will write about shortly) then my next class was at one, so i went home until one then worked until 5 and then had 3 hours off and taught one more class at 8. So i really only taught about 5 classes but it was spread out for the whole day which is kinda lame. But I still had some study time and I live so close to my work that i was able to come home and lay down for two hours when I had a break.
My first class was this woman who booked a private lesson, which means it is just me and her so she pays extra money and today was her first lesson. So I walked into the room and this conversation happened.

Me: Hello! My name is Evan
Student : I love Robert Downey Jr. (spoken is slow, broken english)
Me: Oh.....
Student: (from here on out she only spoke to me in Japanese, so this is a rough translation.) I am a single mother and I have two children, I want you to write a letter for me to robert downey Jr. )
Me: Uh...okay, we can write one together. (then i walked up to the board and wrote "dear Robert" on it)
Student : no no no. (she handed me her cell phone which was open to a Robert Downey Jr Fan site). Here, he will be able to read it if you send it here. I dont want to write it with you, I will tell you what I want to say and then you type it for me.
Me: (I look at the fan site and it says that this site is not affiliated with RBJ in anyway and that if you send a mail to the site it will not be directed to RBJ. So i tell her this)
Student ; I want to say I have loved you for a long time and I will love you for a long time and that I am a single mother and I want him to take care of us.
Me: Uhhhhhh
Student: You cant do it?
me : I can write the letter for you but he probably wont read it.
student : oh.....

Then she just got up, walked out of the room and quit the school. When she explained why she was quiting the school my boss looked very, very confused and told her that we do not offer creepy robert downey jr fan letter translations at my job. Other than that student the day was pretty normal. I am so tired right now though. My job is to basically talk and not do much else but it is so tiring pretending to be interested in what everyone is saying and trying to make out exactly what they want to say. Woe is me.


  1. You should have written it to me.

